

What are the provisions of food for patients in this center?

During the treatment, patient’s food runs according to the diet chart prepared especially for the particular patient by the doctor of our center. Food is prepared in our Natural Food Court, where we prepare food in such a way that all living nutrients that does not get destroyed. For detailed details visit the link given –

Does this center have a normal meal facility available for the patient's attendant?

Yes, normal meals can be provided at our center for the patient’s attendants upon their request, but we advise the patient’s attendants that s/he should eat the natural and healthy food prepared in our Natural Food Court, which will benefit them greatly.

Can a patient take any other food than the ones mentioned in the diet chart?

No, it would be unfair to do so. The diet chart of every patient is prepared according to the condition of the disease, physical condition and treatment of the patient by our doctor for that particular patient, and eating any other thing than those mentioned in the diet chart can bring harm to the patient and also to the ongoing treatment.

Are the patients allowed to make some changes to the diet table themselves?

No, the diet chart is made by our doctor keeping many things in mind such as the condition of the disease and patient’s physical condition. Any food other than diet chart, even such foods which are considered nutritious, should not be taken without consulting our doctor as those things may not be suitable for the patient, doing so may harm the body and cause interruption in the ongoing treatment.

I drink milk every day, is there any facility of getting milk in this center?

According to Naturopathy, milk is not a diet that should be included in our lifestyle. Any living being, say human or animals, only drink its mother’s milk till it is needed, once the need is fulfilled then it starts eating food made by nature for that being. In Naturopathy, milk is only used as a medicine, so if the doctor suggests to drink milk, then only milk is added to the diet chart.

I eat curd every day, is there any facility of getting curd in this center?

During the whole treatment, the patient has to take only the food as prescribed by the doctor of this center in his diet chart. Taking any other diet without the instruction of a doctor, even nutritious foods like curd can cause harm to the patient’s body and interfere with ongoing therapy.

I have a habit of eating almonds every day in the morning, can I continue eating almonds during the treatment?

Almond is a nutritious dry fruit which has undoubtedly many benefits, but during the entire course of treatment, the patient has to take only the food that is mentioned in the diet chart prepared by the doctor of this center for that particular patient. Eating any other thing without our doctor’s instruction, even nutritious foods like almonds, would be inappropriate and can interfere with ongoing therapy.

I want to get my diabetes treated but I drink alcohol every day. Is it possible to treat my diabetes without giving up alcohol?

No, alcohol is already prohibited in our center and according to Naturopathy, consumption of alcohol is very harmful for the body. Alcohol or any other narcotics can cause harm to the body and interfere with therapy, therefore use of any kind of intoxicant is prohibited in our center.

I am used to eating Paan. Do I have to quit eating paan to take advantage of the Naturopathy treatment?

Paan (Betel Leaf) is a medicinal element. Eating Paan has various physical benefits due to the presence of Copper elements in it which is ultimately beneficial for the body. But in general, people who eat Paan, also add poisonous substances to it for the taste which causes great harm to the body and disrupts the medicinal elements of Paan. So, the use of any kind of intoxicant is prohibited in our center. However, eating only Paan ka Patta (Betel Leaf) is beneficial for health.

I have a habit of eating food full of chili-spices. Is it possible that I eat chili-spicy food during the treatment?

When a patient enrolls in this center, the diet chart is prepared particularly for that patient by our doctor, keeping in mind the patient’s condition, type of disease and its condition. According to the principals of Naturopathy, consumption of chili-spices is considered inappropriate for the body.
The scientific use of spices in Indian culture has been described as beneficial. But, in modern times, unscientific mixing of spices is dissolved in oil, ghee, butter, making it very harmful for health. Hence, food made of chilli-spices is prohibited in our center. Any person enrolls in our center to cure his diseases and make his/her body healthy and free of any disease, if he/she continue to eat foods containing chilli-spices, then the body can suffer harm and it will also interfere with the ongoing treatment.

Can I eat non-vegetarian food during my treatment?

No, during the course of treatment, eating non-vegetarian food or any other food which is not mentioned in the diet chart can cause harm to the body and disrupt ongoing treatment.
As far as non-vegetarian food is concerned, it has been said in every religion that the consumption of non-vegetarian food is not good for our body. The food that nature has prepared for us is complete for us. If human body was made to eat meat, then our teeth would have been long and sharp resembling to carnivorous animals like dog, lion, etc. The human body was not made to eat non-vegetarian food. Anyway, our body has the ability to eat non-vegetarian food, but it puts a lot of strain on our digestive system.

Can I eat in any restaurant or at my relatives staying in Bhagalpur during the course of my treatment?

No, during the course of treatment, the patient should not eat anything other than those mentioned in the diet chart prepared by our doctor for that particular patient. Diet has a very important role in Naturopathy treatment. Eating anything other than the diet chart can damage the patient’s body and interfere with ongoing therapy.

Can I bring any food items such as snacks or biscuits at the centre?

No, the patient does not have to bring any food items with him/her because after enrollment the diet chart of that patient is prepared by our doctor keeping in mind various things like patient’s condition and the condition of the disease. Every patient has to eat only according to their diet chart. Every food item that is mentioned in the diet-chart is made available by the center itself.