
As Outdoor Patient

Hectic Daily Routine, Living in Noisy - Polluted Environment, Irregular - Unhealthy - Unnatural – Artificial Lifestyle & Processed & Complex Food Habits, Unnecessary Worrying Habit, and Keeping Distance from Mother Nature and due to the collective effect of all these factors ACCUMULATION OF TOXIC & FOREIGN ELEMENTS START IN OUR BODY and these are the basic causes of Diseases.

In the System of Nature Cure or Naturopathy, the most important thing is; to overcome the aforementioned causes, to cleanse the body internally and to learn the art to regain healthy state of body and mind – and this is absolutely possible.

To achieve this, a person is required to stay inside the campus of Naturopathy Centre, within natural flora and fauna, in pure lush green, calm and pollution free surroundings and to eradicate the root causes of diseases. Staying in the campus itself is a significant part of the entire treatment programme and it should be kept in mind that there is no short cut or alternative to it.

Tapovardhan Prakritik Chikitsa Kendra is amongst the top naturopathy centres in India. The centre help patients to treat the root cause of the diseases instead of treating only symptoms.

However, some circumstances may not allow the patient to take leave from the work or business immediately or due to any vital reason he / she cannot stay away from home for long period but still treatment is needed without further delay. Such local patients can take advantage of our Out - Patient Treatment Facilities. Although, the health benefits are not the same as in case of the Residential Treatment, still health benefits can be achieved up to some lesser extent in comparison to In House Patients.

Patients under this category can get themselves registered with the Out - Patient Treatment Facilities and avail Natural Therapies at designated time (As per the convenience of the particular patient). Out - Patients are also provided guidance and a Naturopathy Diet Plan. By following the given instructions, patients can discipline themselves and improve their health conditions rapidly. It is the responsibility of the family members of the Out - Patients to provide Tension / Stress Free Environment as well as other support to the patient, at home. Friends and family should encourage the patient to stick to the given instructions. During the treatment period, the mental condition of patient enters in a sensitive state, therefore, under any circumstances, do not break the morale, tease or make fun of him / her so that he / she loses hope or react angrily and as a result may decide to discontinue the treatment, instead try to help by every possible way and give encouragement on regular interval to him / her to follow the guidelines of the treatment.

A Treatment Plan is made for the patients, registered with the Out - Patient Treatment Facility according to their condition and problem. Patients are administered various application of Mud - Therapy, Water - Therapy, Air & Sunshine from 6:30 morning to 12:30 noon and again from 3:30 to 6:30 evening. During their presence on the campus, pollution free surrounding helps patients towards speedy recovery.